1. Important Considerations. Many important considerations
must be taken into account before you decide to file for divorce. Divorce
actions are called dissolution of marriage actions. The marriage will be
"dissolved" by the court. We use the terms "divorce,"
"dissolution," and "dissolution of marriage" interchangeably
in this Guide.
1.1. Representing Yourself. Hiring an attorney to handle
your divorce is not necessary in many situations. Obviously, the simpler the
issues are, the simpler the paperwork will be. If you and your spouse reach an
agreement, this also simplifies your case. If you have children or complex
property issues, your task will be more complicated, but not impossible. You can
fill out the forms yourself as your own attorney. This is called to be "in
pro per," "in propria persona," or "pro se." If you
file the case representing yourself, you can always substitute an attorney in to
represent you later. If you have an attorney, you can change to a different
attorney or change to representing yourself. When attorneys are changed in a
case, or when you have an attorney come in or out of your case, a Substitution
of Attorney form will be filled out and filed with the court. Your attorney will
usually prepare the form for you. We have included a sample Substitution of
Attorney form (Form 1-1).
1.2. Available Options for Legal Assistance. If you do not
want to hire a lawyer to represent you in your case, you have the option of
seeking advice from an attorney for limited representation. This is called
"limited scope representation" or the "unbundling" of legal
services instead of the traditional "full service representation"
generally offered by lawyers. You have the option of doing your own paperwork to
start the divorce and then seeking assistance with, for example, a complicated
child support issue. Limited scope representation is a great way for you to
control the cost of your divorce. You can seek assistance with only the matters
you feel incapable of handling yourself. You can also seek advice on various
matters throughout your action, such as child support guidelines or custody
provisions. Not all lawyers provide limited scope representation. Appendix
"A" is a list of lawyers and legal services with notations regarding
those that provide limited scope representation.
1.3. Consider Mediation. Mediation is a process in which a
neutral third party helps people resolve a controversy. The mediator helps the
parties talk and focus on the real issues of the dispute and create options for
settlement. The purpose of mediation is for the parties to agree to the
resolution of their issues. Mediation is usually less costly that a contested
divorce with attorneys involved and the parties to mediation typically resolve
their emotional difficulties sooner than in a contested matter. Mediation allows
the parties to resolve their issues in creative ways that work for their
particular case. Appendix "B" contains information about affordable
mediation services.
1.4 .Where to Find Additional Help. This Guide cannot cover
all situations that people seeking divorces will encounter. Periodically
throughout this guide we advise you to seek the advice of an attorney. Appendix
"A" contains a listing of legal aid services and attorneys.
1.5. Family Law Facilitator. Some courts have Family Law
Facilitators who help people representing themselves fill out their paperwork.
Appendix "C" lists some of the Family Law Facilitators in Los Angeles
County. Call your courthouse to see if this service is provided. The telephone
numbers of the courts are also in Appendix "C."
1.6. A Note on the Law. The statute governing divorce in the
State of California is the California Family Code. You can find a copy of the
Family Code at libraries, certain book stores, or you can obtain one from a
legal publishing company. You can also obtain California statutes from the State
of California Website (http://www.leginfo.ca.gov). There are also cases that interpret or clarify the Family
Code. This is called case law. We relate general rules of law in this Guide.
1.7. The Length of Your Marriage. The length of your
marriage is relevant in several instances.
For purposes of spousal support (alimony), a marriage of more
than ten (10) years is considered a "lengthy marriage." The court
cannot end spousal support jurisdiction on its own in a lengthy marriage. For
spousal support purposes the length of the marriage is determined from the date
of marriage to the date of separation.
A spouse married more than ten years may qualify to receive part
of their former spouse's old age benefits pursuant to the federal Social
Security Act. Derivative social security benefits ("divorced wife"
benefits) may be payable to a former spouse following a marriage that lasted ten
(10) years. The length of marriage is determined from date of marriage to date
of divorce for purposes of "divorced wife" benefits.
If you are close to the ten-year mark in your marriage, you must
consider these provisions in deciding to separate from your spouse or file for
divorce. Obviously, each situation is unique and the advice of an attorney may
help you decide.
In addition, a factor considered by the court in determining the
length of time spousal support will be payable is the length of the marriage.
1.8. .Standard Restraining Orders. When the Petition for
dissolution is filed with the court, standard restraining orders automatically
become effective against you. They do not become effective against the other
party until he or she is served with the divorce papers. Thus, the timing of the
filing and serving of the divorce papers can be very important. The automatic
standard restraining orders prohibit (1) removing minor children of the parties
from the State of California; (2) changing beneficiaries of insurance policies;
and (3) transferring or encumbering any property. The exact language of the
automatic standard restraining orders is set forth below in section 3.1. A
sample Summons with the restraining orders is set forth in Form 3-1.
1.9. Title to Property. The way you hold title to your
property is important. If your property is held in joint tenancy, you can
"sever" the joint tenancy and change title to tenants in common by
recording a Notice of Severance of Joint Tenancy in the office of the county
recorder of the county where the property is located. This decision regarding
title to property is an important one. You should consult with an attorney
regarding this issue. There is a right of survivorship for property held in
"joint tenancy." This means that when a person dies their interest
automatically passes to the remaining joint tenant and the remaining joint
tenant owns the property. If you hold property as "tenants in common"
and one of you dies, the remaining tenant still owns his or her half of the
property and the deceased tenant's half passes to his or her heirs (by will,
trust or intestate succession).
1.10. Importance of Date of Separation. Just as the length of
your marriage may be important in your case, the date you and your spouse
separated (or will separate) may be important. The "date of marriage"
marks the beginning of the time when your earnings (and assets purchased with
them) become "community property." The "date of separation"
marks the end of the time when your earnings (and assets purchased with them)
are "community property." Your earnings become your "separate
property" as of the "date of separation." This also applies to
your spouse's earnings. The classic example of the importance of the date of
separation is if a person wins the lottery after the date of separation. If the
lottery ticket was purchased before the date of separation or with money
earned before the date of separation, the lottery winnings are community
property. If the lottery ticket was purchased with money earned after the date
of separation, the lottery winnings are separate property.
The same general rules apply to debts incurred during the
marriage. Generally, if a debt is incurred between the date of marriage and the
date of separation it is considered a community property debt and each party is
responsible for payment of one-half of the debt. Again, this is a general rule.
For interpretation of particular situations, consult a family law attorney.
1.10.1. Definition. The "date of separation" is when
the parties have come to a parting of the ways with no present intent to
resume their marriage and their conduct evidences a complete and final
break in the marital relationship. This is often a matter of interpretation.
It may or may not be the date you or your spouse moved out of the family home.
Even if you and your spouse are living separately, you may not be considered
"separated" if you are maintaining your marital relationship, going to
counseling, attending functions together, keeping your joint accounts, etc.
1.11. Emergency Orders. In certain instances an immediate
court hearing may be necessary. An example is where domestic violence is present
and an immediate restraining order is necessary. Another situation is where a
third party is about to transfer community monies and you want the transfer
stopped by the court. Chapters 6 and 7 of this Guide explain how to file for
emergency orders.
1.12. Where to File. You can file a dissolution action in the
State of California if you or your spouse have lived in California for six (6)
months before filing the action. To file a dissolution action in a particular
county you or your spouse must have lived in that county for three (3) months
before filing the action. You must state this information on the Petition for
Dissolution under penalty of perjury. This is usually not an issue unless you
have moved around a lot or if you or your spouse are in a different county,
state, or country.
If you have minor children with your spouse, the action must be
filed in the county in which the children live. If your children have not lived
in the State of California for six (6) months before the filing of the action,
another state may have jurisdiction of the children under the Uniform Child
Custody Jurisdiction Act. You should consult a family law attorney if you are in
this situation.
In California divorces are filed in the Superior Court. If the
county you are going to file in has more than one branch of the Superior Court,
you must decide which branch is proper for you to file in. This is usually
determined by where you or your spouse live. Los Angeles County has many
branches which are listed in Appendix "C." In Los Angeles County, all
residents can file in either the Central District (downtown Los Angeles) or
their local branch. The areas covered by each local branch are briefly outlined
in Appendix "C." If your area is not listed, call the court that seems
nearest to your area and ask them if you can file at that branch.
1.13. An Overview of a Divorce Action. A divorce action is
begun by the filing of paperwork with the court requesting the dissolution of
your marriage. The specific paperwork is discussed in detail later in this
Guide. The automatic restraining orders go into effect against you when the
Petition is filed and against the Respondent when he or she is served. The next
step is having the Respondent served with the divorce papers. Once the
Respondent is served, the six-month period required for the marital status to be
terminated begins to run. The six-month period begins on the date of service, not
on the date the Petition is filed. You are not automatically divorced
when the six months are up. You must file additional papers with the court to
get divorced. Before the final orders either you or the Respondent may ask the
court for temporary orders needed until the final orders are made. The final
orders are called a Judgment. You can obtain temporary orders for such things as
child support, child custody, spousal support, or possession of property, among
other things. The method for obtaining the final Judgment varies depending on
whether the Respondent has filed response papers with the court and whether you
and the Respondent have agreed regarding the issues in your case. These
procedures are outlined in this Guide.
1.14. Other Things to Consider. Other important
considerations in a dissolution matter are contained on the informational form,
General Instructions for Divorce Cases, included in this Guide as Form 1-2.